The cold conditions do not deter birth. Our first ram lamb arrived in the early frigid temperatures on the morning of February 26, 2014. Thank goodness it is cozy in our old barn.
Mom and babe are doing well. All is quiet. The other ewes are waiting expectantly for their lambs to be born.
I've been stuck inside for the week now due to extremely low temperatures. It is not advisable for people with heart conditions to venture out in temperatures below -15 C.
Dylan, the snow dog, has been confined to his heated room in the barn. He's ready to light up the township with compressed energy.
Attitude of Gratitude
I am grateful that the horses have two choices for shelter, the run-in shed, and the cedar copse. The N.A.G bag feeder has been a blessing and the four wheel drive tractor too. I am truly thankful for my wonderful husband who drives the tractor and sets up the round bale.
Down to the last strands of hay in the N.A.G bag
As soon as the temperatures climbed, Dylan and I were out on the trail again. I am so pleased to be able to snowshoe and not sink into the snow. In some areas on the trail Dylan was not so lucky and he sunk to his middle. Dylan just stayed there with a bit of a sad look, then he was ready to venture on. A true trail dog.
Dylan sunk chest deep in snow.
Dylan easily seen in his new vest.
Dylan has a new high visibility vest from Gear 4 Dogs. I was really pleased with this vest. It fit him well. He is highly visible in the bush as you can see in the photo. Without the vest a hunter could easily mistake him for a coyote.
In my cold, bleak, world I am grateful for all my blessings.